period *;string;Selecting one of the standard periods to retrieve statistical data
;;If this parameter is used, the "from_time" and "to_time" parameters do not need to be passed, since they are designed to indicate a custom period
;;Possible values: last_24_hours, last_7_days, last_14_days, last_30_days, today, yesterday, this_week, last_week, this_month, last_month, month_2 (if it's now 11.2023, data for 09.2023 is revealed), month_3 (if it's now 11.2023, data for 08.2023 is revealed), month_4 (if it's now 11.2023, data for 07.2023 is revealed), month_5 (if it's now 11.2023, data for 06.2023 is revealed), month_6 (if it's now 11.2023, data for 05.2023 is revealed), 3_previous_months (three previous ones, excluding the current one), 6_previous_months (six previous ones, excluding the current one), this_year, last_year
;;When calculating data, the time zone set in the administrator account settings is used: "Settings" section → "General settings" subsection → "Default timezone" field.
from_time *;string;The beginning of the period for displaying statistics data (string value or timestamp). Obligatory, if the "period" parameter is not passed
;;If you pass a string value without specifying a certain timezone (2021-06-01 00:00:00), we take into account the timezone set within the administrator account settings: "Settings" section → "General settings" subsection → "Default timezone" field
;;If you need to get statistics data taking into account a certain timezone, pass it in a string value (2021-06-01 00:00:00 +0400).
to_time *;string;The end of the period for displaying statistics data (string value or timestamp). Obligatory, if the "period" parameter is not passed
;;If you pass a string value without specifying a certain timezone (2021-06-01 23:59:59), we take into account the timezone set within the administrator account settings: "Settings" section → "General settings" subsection → "Default timezone" field
;;If you need to get statistics data taking into account a certain timezone, pass it in a string value (2021-06-01 23:59:59 +0400).
page;number;The page number (positive integer)
limit;number;The number of ratings to return per page (integer from 1 to 100)
sort;string;▸ added_at_desc — by the time the rating was given (from newest to oldest)
;;▸ added_at_asc — by the time the rating was given (from oldest to newest)
rating_id;array / number;The ID of a certain rating
rating;array / string;The satisfaction rating given to a case or response (possible values: low, middle, high)
rating_comment;boolean;The satisfaction ratings, containing or not containing user comments (possible values: true, false)
rated_staff_id;array / number;The ID of the agent (selection of all satisfaction ratings received by a certain agent who was assignee at the time the rating was given or selection of ratings associated with certain responses of that agent)
rated_assignee_role_id;array / number;The ID of the assignees' role (selection of satisfaction ratings for cases in which agents with the specified role were assignees at the time the rating was given)
participant_id;array / number;The ID of the agent (selection of satisfaction ratings for cases in which the specified agent is participant)
participant_role_id ;array / number;The ID of the participants' role (selection of satisfaction ratings for cases in which agents with the specified role are participants)
user_id;array / number;The ID of the user (selection of all satisfaction ratings given by a certain user)
user_email;array / string;Search for satisfaction ratings given by a user with a certain email address (at least 4 characters)
user_phone;array / string;Search for satisfaction ratings given by a user with a certain phone number (at least 4 characters)
initiator;string;Initiator of the case (possible values: user, agent)
company_id;array / number;The ID of the company (selection of satisfaction ratings for cases from users of a certain company)
group_id;array / number;The ID of the group (selection of satisfaction ratings for cases in which this particular group is set)
channel;array / string;The channel through which the case was created
;;Possible values: email, web, call, live_chat, facebook, fb_chat, twitter, mattermost, instagram_posts, instagram_chat, telegram, skype, slack, viber, line, zalo, wa_chat (WhatsApp), youscan, idea, cch123 (custom channel), sync (all synchronous channels), async (all asynchronous channels), social (social networks), messengers.
status;array / string;Selection of satisfaction ratings for cases with a certain status (possible values: open, waiting, closed)
priority;array / string;Selection of satisfaction ratings for cases with a certain priority (possible values: low, normal, high, critical)
labels;array;Selection of satisfaction ratings for cases that contain certain labels
custom_fields;array;Selection of satisfaction ratings for cases with certain values in custom fields. Filtering can be done based on either case fields or user fields
;;To filter based on a custom field, it is obligatory to specify its ID and value. Depending on the type of field by which cases are filtered, the search is carried out in different ways:
;;▸ "text field" or "text area" — the search for the inclusion of the string being passed is performed (custom_fields[cf_7604]=text);
;;▸ "checkbox" — the search for the presence/absence of a checkmark, depending on the value being passed, is performed (custom_fields[cf_7605]=0 or custom_fields[cf_7605]=1);
;;▸ "dropdown" — the search by a key equal to the value being passed is performed (custom_fields[cf_7606]=1, custom_fields[cf_7606]=3 etc.);
;;▸ "date" — the search by a key equal to the value being passed is performed (custom_fields[cf_7607]=2023-06-01 or custom_fields[cf_7607]=1685563200)